Today was perfect.
Signed, Pinky Ruth #whydocuddleshavetoend #citycrowsarealsodumb #IamaLaydeesurvivor
I slept quite comfortably in the old rocking chair last night. I needed some good rest because today was a very busy day for me. From my window perch, I supervised the neighbor children riding their bikes. I tried to keep up with the RC car a boy was racing around the street. I watched Lay-dee accomplish quite a lot in the yard. I also saw Big Daddy walk in and out of the garage quite a few times. I never did actually see him accomplish anything though.
I am less cranky about being forced to stay at Lay-dee and Big Daddy's house. I finally had the relaxing day I was hoping for. I slept quite a lot. I escaped under beds, cozied myself under blankets, and even enjoyed some time in the closet fort that Lay-dee built for me. That Lay-dee sure can build a nice, comfy fort. I do wish she'd stop asking me if I like my closet fort though. I'm using it, aren't I? She is so insecure.
Lay-dee pulled into the driveway and saw me perched in the 2nd story window upstairs. She looked like a fool waving and yelling to me from down below. I had been watching the man across the street working in his garage.
When I realized Big Daddy was alone as he walked through the apartment door this morning, I came out from under the bed where I usually hide when Lay-dee visits. I let Big Daddy pet me and scratch my belly in my pink scratcher box. When he stopped, I meowed my loud, demanding meow. My belly was NOT done being scratched. (note to self: BD needs more training)